The Great Goddess Has Not Been Forgotten
20 May 2017
"Goddess Remembered" is the first film in a three-part series which illustrates how the feminine divine was worshiped historically and how She is now returning to individual and collective consciousness. The viewer is taken on a tour of the time line of the Goddess' presence throughout human existence, from prehistoric Europe to the modern age all over the world. This is an extremely moving film which reveals that, although Western civilization's gradual increase in more warfare and switch to patriarchal social systems forced Her to veil Herself for centuries, the Goddess is indeed returning into many people's spiritual paths and practices.

While some are quick to point to historical inaccuracies, let it be remembered that this documentary is now decades old. Perhaps new knowledge has come to light that was not known at the time of the film's making. And perhaps those who are so quick to criticize have issues with things other than the film itself, for such criticisms are often woven in with statements which suggest attitudes of prejudice or outright hostility towards the movements of women's rights and women's spirituality.

This is a film for everyone with an open heart. No matter your gender, gender identity, social and political views, spiritual background, etc, if you have a heart open toward Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, whatever you choose to call Her, this movie will move you and guide you on your spiritual path. It did for me. This film helped confirm what I'd always known in my heart--I am a Pagan, a servant of the Goddess and God. Blessed be!
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