A(nother) failed attempt at creativity
21 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Kanye West: All Day/I Feel Like That" is a 9-minute live action short film from 2015 that was directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Steve McQueen and probably safely takes the spot of his worst film so far. If you can even call it a film, that is. It is basically a music video for 2 of recording artist Kanye West's more recent songs. He is in an old empty warehouse, but he is not trying to dodge or avoid the camera as the summary here on IMDb tells us, which also would not fit him to be honest, but he is constantly in the center of it all. I don#t know what the intention here was, to create something raw? Something authentic that shows West without great effects or hullabaloo? In any case, it did not work out at all. The first song is really really bad and empty, the second is slightly better, but makes no sense coming from West either as the lyrics go strongly against the possibility that Kanye West is right now perhaps the biggest attention seeker on the planet. Anyway, it makes me a bit sad to see stuff like that as I believe West showed some great promise early on in his career and there is definitely talent there for him, but he isn't even trying to make an impact with stuff like these 9 minutes here. Highly not recommended.
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