Review of Mom

Mom (1990)
Horror/comedy almost works
22 May 2017
Oddball horror/comedy about a sweet grey haired mother who is bitten by a werewolf or some sort of creature of the night (played by the always great Brion James) and transforms her into a bloodthirsty creature of the night, much to the consternation of her yuppie adult son who only wants to help her and stop her from killing. The film really grabbed me with the opening of Brion James as a blind man attacking a prostitute played by Claudia Christian. James then goes on to ingratiate himself to the titular mother who invites him into her home, only for him to attack her and turn her into a werewolf. The dark humor around a sweet old lady with blood dripping down her matronly house dresses is pretty funny and does go a long way, but the rest of the film isn't all that clever or interesting. Art Evans and Stella Stevens also appear in the film, but horror/comedies rarely seem to work and outside of seeing a kindly old lady viciously killing, there ins't a lot to recommend here.
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