Lame try
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Savage Girl" tells us the story of a rich man financing an expedition into the African jungle to hunt down animals for his future zoo. During this trip, the men are confronted with a white jungle goddess and start to fight over her.

The movie is all in all quite boring. There is no real climax or anything and what happens is already very foreseeable from the very beginning. We have a shining hero, an innocent but handsome wild woman and a barbaric antagonist. We have a bunch of the stereotypes that are typical for this period and we have a goddess that manages to wear make-up despite growing up under wild animals somewhere in the jungle. It is no secret that she probably is also supposed to be of erotic value, too. Unfortunately, all this doesn't really add up in the end and what remains is barely more than the idea of a female Tarzan. Though I appreciate that the movie praises respectful behaviour towards women in a way, it is a bit odd how the female protagonist is not curious but rather begging for physical contact.

All in all this is one of the movies that didn't hold the test of time. You won't miss it if you didn't see it but you can, of course, come to a different conclusion if you're very interested in this kind of stories.
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