Aggressively bad
25 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's a reason why "sitcom" can carry such a stigma; shows, or at least episodes, like this. I've never seen Anger Management before or since coming across "Charlie and Jordan Go to Prison"- this episode is every bit as bad as Charlie ("Tiger Blood") Sheen's last abomination, Two and a Half Men, and that is saying something. An unrelenting, offensively constant stream of bad, best described as a heap of stupid sex jokes. It's not the subject of sex, or the extremely gratuitous name-drop of Ecstasy- that offends me. It's the stupidity of the handling of the risqué material.

The comedic timing and acting is beyond awful. "Sexperts?" "That is correct." That joke is completely unoriginal- in fact, "sexpert" has been a common term used for sex therapists and doctors, not even used as joke. The actress playing the university administrator then stumbles out her lines firing the protagonists with a complete lack of performance talent. Charlie goes to bed with a job applicant, with the two repeating the phrase "have sex" as many times as possible, as if that alone is supposed to be funny. Incidentally, she should get tested after this, and not for a job. There's not a single funny thing here- not what we should expect from a "rock star from Mars".
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