John Wick...in God Mode
25 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love Keanu Reeves, I love action films, and I love intelligent scenes and story-lines. Unfortunately, this movie is seriously lacking in the latter department, and I will explain why.

First, the format is so predictable it becomes instantly pointless and boring. Bad guys spend 5 minutes talking up John Wick until he sounds like a super being, then we spend the next 10 minutes watching Keanu in God Mode. To explain what I mean by this: he starts the film out by getting slammed by cars left and right and yet always manages to get up in time to kick the next bad guy in the head (any normal person would have sustained broken bones and spinal injuries), and then about a third of the way through the film he buys a suit that is literally able to stop bullets. The action that then follows looks like nothing more than a computer game where you walk down corridors shooting bad guys in the head over and over again to get a high score...only you're in God Mode cos in John Wick 2 you can't really get hurt. Then the bad guys talk Wick up again for another 5 minutes, followed by another round of action where our God Mode hero survives another endless hail of bullets while he himself does enough killing that would have even Satan gasping in shock.

The overall result is a completely pointless movie from start to finish. We know John Wick can't get hurt, and we know he's going to kill and keep on killing until the final credits roll. The bad guys seem to have a total inability to shoot Wick in the head, despite him showing them about 200 times how it is done. No amount of punishment from cars, bullets, knives or fists seems to slow him down. Sure, they have him walk with a limp after a while, but he seems to forget about it very quickly once the action starts back up again.

To sum up, this film can only be pleasing if you switch your brain off and stare mindlessly at the endless action until drool starts running from your mouth. If, on the other hand, you keep your brain switched on while viewing, you will instantly recognise the film for what it is: a gamester's wet dream of non-stop killing with no chance of the hero getting hurt. I defy you to watch the shooting scenes and not see the heavy resemblance between them and a computer game. Even the lack of a story line ends up resembling a game format. It's pathetic.

I like Keanu and a number of the other characters, but the rest of what I have described drags the film down to a 4/10...sorry.
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