They Drew Fire (2000 TV Movie)
A fascinating film.
25 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- They Drew Fire, 2000. Through the eyes of seven WW2 artists, this film shows the intimate and often startling look at combat, and the task of transforming the horrors of war into stark, revealing, enduring work of art. Soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen created more than 12,000 works of art. The art was commissioned by the U.S. Govt, has been hidden away in dusty military archives. Most artist were trained for combat and carried weapons. THe landed at beaches in the South Pacific, Normandy and fought with ground forces in Europe. This film shows their experience of war tempered by their own unique artists perspectives.

*Special Stars- Features artists: Franklin Boggs, Howard Brodie, Manuel Bromberg, William Draper, Richard Gibney, Robert Greenhalgh, Edward Reep.

*Theme- Correctly using your unique talent can help win wars.

*Trivia/location/goofs- WW2 documentary. TV movie.

*Emotion- A fascinating film telling of the pain and experiences of these talented artists to help the war effort. Very engaging, watchable, informative, and valuable for more audiences to see and understand WW2 Pacific battlegrounds.

*Based On- WW2 Pacific Theater of war illustrator's work.
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