Fargo: The Principle of Restricted Choice (2017)
Season 3, Episode 2
Still a fan
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As most of the other reviewers I found the first 2 episodes extremely slow and kept wondering how is thing going to unfold. I keep looking for the Peggy character who walks through life, creating havoc all around her with no clue,nor care what happens to those in her path. I don't see a "Typhoid Mary" in this season.I don't see a clearly evil main character except for the Englishman with the very very bad teeth- scary enough in itself .

Possible Spoiler The series has already taken a twist with one death, so it seems that to continue to watch will make this season worth watching . End of Possible Spoiler

I had never seen Ewan McGregor in any role so I looked him up in IMDb and saw what he looks like and I cannot fine a trace of his looks in his 2 characters. The Sci-Fi element, I believe is going to pop up,, remember in Season 2, and possible before , the flying saucer at the end that no one wants to talk about
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