A brutal early episode and mistake for the show
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In many ways REAL ADVENTURES is maybe best remembered as a odd little foot note in the history of Jonny Quest in general.

It also pretty much is notable for being the reason it killed any chances of QUEST being on TV ever again and this episode basically makes that point anymore clear.

The only female character is the entire episode is treated as being a "greedy!?" fortune hunter whose been after the legendary city of El Dorado for of course the gold inside it. Thing is surprisingly the Quest family doesn't care for that since there for searching for rather crazy scientist "uncle"who somehow become the leader of a strange tribe of bird worshipers basically these rather menacing giant condors.

One of which earlier in the episode were actively trying to kill Jonny!!!. Yes it was the first of there "save the animals" theme which also involved later on a killer elephant and a rampaging tiger both of which the Quest family treated like poor puppies rather terrible menaces.

The condors here are "gods" and makes for a rather uncomfortable scene in which the girl(Estella) falls to her death in some rocks bellow and the uncle then decides to let the condor gods rescue Jonny. I ended up feeling more sorry for the girl who were wouldn't supposed to care about(it doesn't help that she's animated to be in the same basic age range as Jonny and Jesse who think goddess doesn't show up in this episode) then the actual main character.

Estella's sudden forced "villainy" toward the end felt more like a sense of desperation and panic then anything else. Yet it she does ends up dead in the end(or near fatal injury) makes you realize as why the first season of this show was a bizarre stress test in terms of how much the writers were on the uncaring level themselves.

You know the first season was garbage when the uncle the Quest have been after basically said "It was a fate well deserved for her"

If any cartoon like that was on today it would be getting a lot more heat for how the heck they get away with such things like this in 1996. Even then the save the animals phase was completely forgotten(along with Estella and El Dorado)when the show started to really into the one thing that really shot this entire premise in the foot....

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