Sexy for 1902 but that's about it
31 May 2017
This print is featured as an unadvertised bonus to Kino's magnificent collection "The Movies Begin: A Treasury of Early Cinema" in the second volume, namely "The European Pioneers." The reason Kino labels it as such is because the print survives in a faded and blurred condition, thus below the company's standard of picture quality.

For 1902, this short isn't particularly special. Georges Melies had already made quite a few multi-scene spectacles by this time, such as "Bluebeard" and "A Trip to the Moon", so "The Draped Model" will come up as very pointless, serving only as what was intended to be a risque peepshow like countless others that predated it in the 1890s. All that one sees in this very short film is a photographer, taking pictures of a woman made to look naked but actually wearing a white leotard and a light sash. It's meant to be a sensual subject to watch--at least for the time--but today there is little to gather from it apart from the fact it serves as an example of some of the early 'adult' movies.
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