Fill in the ditch!!
1 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, this attempt starts off with the protagonist and her Boyfriend in a car, discussing the 'deeper' points of life and death, and then.... Well, then we see her tied up in a car, he Boyfriend being slowly killed and the Religious Nutter digging the grave intended for both her and her now dead Boyfriend.

Long story short, the Religious nutter cuffs her and her Boyfriend at the ankle and proceeds to toss them into the open grave before sauntering off to sing and preach of the goodness of God.

She's left there wondering how to get out of this predicament. Sadly, she never noticed what i noticed....Her Boyfriends belt. He now has no need for it, so take his belt off and use the buckle to pick the lock on the cuffs...Et Voila!!. For so much of this film i found myself internally yelling at this woman, to take the belt, pick the lock and get the hell out the ditch. She however does almost everything but take his belt.

Stupid film, poorly made. Just a film that stupid people would enjoy. Personally i got too wound up watching it. I didn't care if she got out or where she went. Avoid this awful attempt at all cost.
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