Review of Life

Life (I) (2017)
Rooting for the "Evil Space Chewing Gum"
3 June 2017
Life is yet another pseudo, post-modern politically correct scifi from the ignoramuses from Hollywood. Its appalling stupidity rivals that of Prometheus and Covenant.

As usual we have a parade of dumb, shallow characters, "scientist" with an IQ lower than an amoeba's doing stupider and stupider things in succession, from using their fingers to play with an alien creature ( a biologist did the same in Prometheus...), to opening containment areas to retrieve infected crew members, and so on. And the scientist are all "Doctors", who probably got their PhD from some correspondence school.

Besides these and many other things the film is slow, tedious, full of idiotic stupid clichés and with a dialogue that is for the mot part an abomination.

They tried to make another "Alien", instead what they made is the "Attack of the Evil Space Chewing Gum".

Even the "The Blob", filmed more than 50 years ago is better than "Life".
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