The X-Files: Soft Light (1995)
Season 2, Episode 23
"Dead men can't keep promises."
4 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Say, did you catch Scully roll her eyes when her former student Kelly Ryan (Kate Twa) unwittingly referenced the 'Squeeze' episode? I get a kick out of a series that casually mentions prior events that took place in a manner that maintains continuity like that. It's like an acknowledgment for fans who are in on a secret that mere bystanders don't have a clue about. That was a neat touch.

I had forgotten about Tony Shaloub in this episode, the guy is a genius inventing these kinds of neurotic, quirky characters who you can't help but be drawn to. It's no wonder he got the lead in a TV series like 'Monk' as a germ challenged detective solving impossible cases by thinking way outside the box. His character here is a bit darker given the story line, but he's still got that nervous edge that Scully and Mulder have to deal with, in a bizarre story that takes the term 'Me and My Shadow' into unknown territory.

Once again, the character of Mr. X proves that he's not to be trifled with when it comes to protecting the secrecy that exists at the top of the FBI hierarchy. He sets up the kidnapping of Dr. Banton (Shaloub) by eliminating Banton's associate Christopher Davey (Kevin McNulty) in the particle accelerator. If the closing scene doesn't inspire terror at the idea that the government would stop at nothing to gain an edge, I don't know what else would.
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