Washee Ironee (1934)
Washee Ironee Dirtee
5 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Washee Ironee" is a black-and-white short film from 1934, so this one will already have its 85th anniversary two years from now. The director is James Parrott, who is mostly known today for the Laurel/Hardy Oscar-winning short comedy "The Music Box". He was relatively short-lived, so this is his last work as an actor (brief cameo) and also one of his later works as a filmmaker. The focus in this slightly under 16-minute film is on Waldo as his mom is hosting a social party, but Waldo has no intention to keep his clothes clean and instead decides to have a great time playing the dirt with the other Rascals. According to the IMDb plot summary, this film is about cleaning the clothes again, but you already guessed correctly that this plan is not exactly working out well and all turns into a huge mess. These kids are exactly the kind of people you would not want near your friends or party, at least looking at the way these parties looked back in the day. Eventually, this is another short film from the early days of sound movies and the Rascals were among the very biggest stars back then. But in terms of entertainment value, I personally feel that their films have not aged too well and this one here is no exception either. Being loud and all over the place does not equal funny in my opinion. One of the shorter works and I give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended.
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