Review of House Calls

A Touch of Frost: House Calls (1997)
Season 5, Episode 2
Christian symbolism and interesting cross-over in plot lines
7 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It was wonderful seeing Susannah "Drop the Dead Donkey" Doyle in this compelling installment of Frost. It's a shame she didn't remain with the series longer, and perhaps the writers can have a spin-off series featuring her.

Also Charles De'Ath features as D.C. Collier. Several years later he played a police officer in the under-rated The Last Detective, a fine UK TV series.

Anyway, House Calls was unique because one of the minor characters in the main plot line ended up becoming a major character in the second plot line, something that doesn't happen often in Frost. Also, this episode featured Christian symbolism. For example Frost demanded that the injection suspect Sydney take an oath on the Bible that he be a nice man, and then hanging on a railway bridge we see a prominent sign "Jesus Saves".
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