Review of Legacy

Arrow: Legacy (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
If you are an Olicity fan, this episode continues the stupid breakup.
9 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Blame the writers for being too stupid to plan ahead last season, and too lazy to write around the problem of their relationship being "too fast" (Gee, whose fault was that?). "Business reasons" is the main excuse given. When they do finally allow them to talk, the reunion is at best anticlimactic, revealing their lack of Olicity enthusiasm.

Emily Bett Rickards is the only reason I kept watching season 5. I did not enjoy the stories. Stephen Amell did well as poor Oliver, who some women found every excuse to hate on.


Felicity Smoak continues to be a selfish, sanctimonious, somewhat lascivious, hypocrite nearly the whole season. She finally wakes up and smells the coffee when it is at the edge of too late. She admits it was her lack of understanding Oliver's situation that broke them up. The whole time, she makes no effort to even try to understand, or give Oliver any help whatsoever. This despite her little pep talk back in 4x20.

If she had taken about 15-30 minutes to really talk (instead of walking out) and work with Oliver with some help, none of this mess was necessary. She kept stalling to have this itty-bitty conversation for reasons we may never know. The obvious ones, not being able to admit she was wrong or apologize, don't seem to be why.
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