Confusing giallo
11 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When it comes to my frequent sampling of Italian genre cinema, I admit my tastes usually aren't towards giallo movies. Though I do watch one on occasion and I have found some of them to be enjoyable. However, "The Red Queen Kills Seven Times" is one giallo that I don't think I'll be returning to any time soon in the future. Believe me, I was trying to pay close attention to the movie, but there were some plot points that utterly baffled me. For example, the start of the movie seems to be about two sisters, but later a third sister is suddenly added. Then ANOTHER female heir is identified! (At least I think that's how the movie unfolded.) It didn't help that two of the principle female actresses looks remarkably alike. Those are just some of the confusing aspects about the movie. I admit I wasn't bored at any moment - there definitely is some style here, particularly in the murder sequences - but I simply didn't have a strong grasp as to who was who and their motivations, just a vague idea instead. The movie is obviously poorly dubbed at times, so maybe something was lost in the translation to English. Cool title, though.
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