Fear the Walking Dead: TEOTWAWKI (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
"TEOTWAWKI" / Air-date: 6 June 2017 / *SPOILER WARNING!* Episode #27:
11 June 2017
"TEOTWAWKI" / Air-date: 6 June 2017 / *SPOILER WARNING!* "Fear The Walking Dead" Episode #27:

♥ Well The President of the trailer-park association (Jeremiah and the people of his "Ranch") were kinda' thinking' ahead before the Z. A. -They even had their own survivalist infomercial with its own slogan and everything before it all went down!

"If you plan for the future, plan for a better one!" Not quite, "Let's Make America Great Again!" -But it worked for him!

Now, at the funeral for Charlene (The girl that we lost last episode.) Madison gets the opportunity to introduce Alicia and Nic to the whole culty-clan, who may or may not be on board to save Travis' poor family. Luciana, wants to be cut free from her sick bed so she can "escape", but she just doesn't think to ask anyone with the power to do it!

Madison pulls an old trick of Carol's, and decides to send Alicia to join the "Ranches" Bible study group She doesn't bring any cookies though, and that probably would have been a good idea, as the host of the event, Geoff ...is a big time snacker!

Madison and would-be-Governor-in-training Troy have a brief pow-wow about the future and the courtesy of making one's bed. Madison tells Jeremiah and his good son Jake (From "State Farm!") that maybe the whole "Ranch" might need to know what Troy has been up to out there at that military base. -Jake takes the hint (He's concerned that the "The Ranches" insurance rates will go sky high!) and he decides that he may know how to put the muzzle on Troy, but Troy seems to resent the whole idea!

Meanwhile, Victor Strand continues on his one man road-trip until he enters a large Mexican town looking for his good ol' mate, Dante. He nearly loses his head twice, but instead, he finds himself as a "hired" indentured servant! -He also receives a special guest visitor!

Later, Jeremiah shares a big secret with Madison and Troy convinces Nic (...who seems to have forgotten about Luciana all together!) to go out on a boar hunt. (Sounds suspicious!)

...and that's all she wrote.♥
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