The Simpsons: Pork and Burns (2017)
Season 28, Episode 11
Great to See the Beloved Simpsons Movie Character Once More,
13 June 2017
Pork and Burns is a great Simpsons episode with a well written plot and plenty of very funny scenes. It is a very enjoyable episode as we get to see Spider-Pig, the beloved family pig from the Simpsons Movie, make a return in a lead part. The character had been teased in the series on several occasions since the films release, but here we see his relationship with Homer really shine, his love for this creature is without a doubt my favourite part of the episode.

I did find the Lisa story to be a little weak. A plot about her losing all passion for her saxophone is one that could have been an emotional main part of an episode, instead it is merely thrown in as a lazy side story here that is never stretched out, merely used to fill time.

The main story gets even more interesting when Mr. Burns is added to the mix later. He serves as the episodes antagonist, as he does on many occasions, and genuinely put me in fear for Plopper.

It is forgettable, but certainly not regrettable. Pork and Burns is a very enjoyable Simpsons episode.

Lisa's sax and the family pig must go when Marge becomes obsessed with a book on minimalism.
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