The Unfolding (2016)
Dire. A waste of time.
16 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had such high hopes for this film.Potentially something fresh and stand out amidst the mediocre horror on offer on netflix. The idea of a supernatural thriller set against a back drop of impending nuclear war.

I honestly had no idea there was a nuclear war going on but for cursory worried mutterings and snatches of television and radio doomsaying. Soon the hope of seeing something fresh and exciting was dashed when an all too familiar line up of stock characters and clichés appeared in the middle aged psychic, cooky professor, empathetic female lead and to be honest boring and watered down male lead. As the film reached its climax, the inevitable nuclear war, I was hoping for a twist that would have validated the 1hr 30 mins i'd wasted on this film but no. Just bland SFX and no real explanation. Don't bother with this one.
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