Somewhere between porn and education
19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a 70s-production from Germany, dealing with the sexuality of adolescents and how it changed compared to their parent's. It mixes replayed examples with street interviews and tries to pledge for more open views towards the topic.

The film itself of course isn't a masterpiece. Most of the examples seem to have been exaggerated to create a more scandalous atmosphere and the dialogues are an art form for itself. There's not much tension or anything that keeps you looking and I can tell that you don't miss anything important if you just skip parts of it.

The reason why I still grant this one a rather decent rating is that I generally like the message. Sexuality is a topic where you just have to accept that some things change and while you can discuss each of this developments critically, it can help to be less scandalizing and more open minded when it comes to the concerns of the next generation. Unfortunately, I can't really decide whether this is really a message the movie wanted to carry on or if the focus was more on showing nude bodies. I'd guess on the second one..
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