Bible Code (2008– )
Delivers in every negative way you could imagine
20 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Der Bibelcode" or "Bible Code" is a German television movie from 2008, so this one will have its 10th anniversary next year. And if you read the title and hear that this one is actually two movies in one (as it consists of 2 90-minute parts), then you probably guess correctly that this is another one of the allegedly important epics for the small screen that occasionally focus on catastrophes, but sometimes also on religion-based material like for example also in "Das Jesus Video". So yeah, this is what you get here. 180 minutes that take themselves way more seriously than they have any right to. It was a truly embarrassing watch. Cosma Shiva Hagen proves without a doubt that she is never lead actress material in anything, even if admittedly the horrible script did her no favors either. The beginning of this duology tells you right away what a mess you are about to watch. She is such a good cop that she is fired because she caused physical harm to somebody that he would tell where he hides a girl he abducted. So yes the fact that the girl was saved is all thanks to her. Cringeworthy stuff. Besides, we are supposed to believe she is quite a tough cop, pretty bad-ass actually and this approach is never working at all. Just a wrong casting decision for this idea.

Anyway, another really weak scene would be the kiss near the end when they are talking in the most melodramatic way about why he does all he does in their journey together. Also I must say I remembered CSH somehow more attractive than she is in here. Oh yeah and then there are all these moments when she keeps rambling on about how she is just a normal girl/woman, but yet she does all this amazing stuff and people keep talking about how strong her will is, how pure her soul etc. It is really unbearable. Needless to say that during her journey she also becomes close friends with the Pope. And he is played by the legendary German actor/entertainer Joachim Blacky Fuchsberger. Pretty sad to see he appears in garbage films like this one at the very end of his career. Then again, I am not a great Edgar Wallace (movie) fan either. What else is there to say? Oh yeah, the director is Christoph Schrewe and boy did he improve as he is working on some of America's finest television right now. Impressive. This also shows that (even if Schrewe probably improved in the last decade) that the reason how badly this turned out is all because of the writing duo, or lets say 80% of it. Not even the greatest director could have made this script work. Besides it is a really cheap German attempt to cash in on the Dan Brown / da Vinci Code wave back then as that one was incredibly popular around that time. Overall, it is 3 hours full of disappointments, lengths and failure. The other reviewer is correct. Stay far far away from this one.
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