Open Your Eyes (III) (2016)
A Documentary of the Highest Merit by a Skilled Practitioner of her Art!!
27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have just had the distinct pleasure of watching "Open Your Eyes". This is a short documentary film that I have told my friends that they must watch as it captures the dignity and humbleness of the most remarkable people that I have ever known throughout my relatively long life.

The Director, Irene Taylor Brodsky has captured the essence of these people without the normal embellishment that is so often the case in documentary films these days.

To watch the reaction of these Nepalese people in getting back their sight makes you realise what is important in life; family and friends! It makes me want to rush to Nepal right now and re-acquaint myself with a people who were so important in my younger years and refill my soul with inner peace.

Thank you Irene as your light handed touch behind the camera and in the editing suite is surely an inspiration to all aspiring film makers!!
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