Review of The Sleeper

The Sleeper (2012)
Suspend your disbelief
3 July 2017
And go back, way back, into the 1980s. If you can do that, you will watch a movie that is kind of a throwback into the time where there were no cell phones and bad acting was acceptable. Although I reckon it still is to a degree at any time. But take this, which very obviously has taken notes from Slasher movies from the past and runs with them.

You can quote Black Christmas, Halloween and others (yes I know they originated in the 70s) and make a similar movie. This is the result, with some neat effects, all reminiscent of the practical effects you may love from the movies back then. The editing feels like it's from back then and there is even a scene of nudity. A lot of blood and a lot of nonsense ... sounds intriguing?
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