Some Assembly Required (2014–2016)
Awfully Awful
4 July 2017
Sorry I hate to be cruel but I couldn't help myself and this show really is scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard that the bottom of the barrel is wearing away. "Some Assembly Required" is truly a terrible TV watching experience and in my opinion it fails badly on every level.

The writing is absolutely atrocious with fake and hackneyed dialogue and jokes that literally make me cringe time and again. You can usually tell exactly what the joke is going to be and basically get buried under an avalanche of terrible punch lines and then an over the top, desperate laugh track.

The acting is also terrible. I know these are just children, or teens playing children and young adults playing teens, but they're just not very good. Every single cast member misses the mark. Of course this isn't entirely their fault... like I said the writing is terrible and the casting department really missed the mark here as well.

The effects are also complete rubbish. I mean, every single thing about this show is just cheap and bad. I can't believe this lasted more than one season, or that it even made it on the air at all. Spectacularly bad TV.
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