The Void (I) (2016)
We're not Going to Die. You're Going to Die.
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A small group of people we barely know are trapped inside the Marsh County Hospital with folks in white hoods sporting knives outside. The cop inside has a shotgun so....okay let's not confuse the issue with facts. Strange things happen within the hospital, i.e. re-animator type stuff along with blob creatures and of course the void, also called the abyss.

We get to see the void early and it looks like something out of "Phantasm." There was clearly a Clive Barker/Crowley/Lovecraft influence and I am glad I didn't see another Miskatonic diploma. I didn't understand the electrical power arrangements, some lights went off, some stayed on, phones and radio didn't work, cop lights do, inside hospital lights on, outside lights off. Yup, I missed something there. Would the engine start? I would take inside an operating vehicle against a group of people with knives...just saying. Also the characters were flat. Who were the final people? Poor introductions. I didn't care if they all died or went wherever...that thing before time, whatever that is. I don't think they understand quantum physics better than a fifth grader.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. 7 stars for special effects.
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