Gloriously ludicrous 80's heavy metal horror trash
6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Deranged rock singer Billy "Eye" Harper gets executed for killing twenty-five people. Two years later Billy returns from the dead to commit a new series of murders.

Boy, does this enjoyably absurd howler completely nail the sleazy decadence and outrageous excesses of the 1980's hard rock scene: We've got hideously massive overpermed hairdos, skintight leather pants, herky jerky break dancing, sweaty aerobics, coke snorting, lots of gnarly head-banging hard rock songs blaring away on the soundtrack, and, best of all, an uproariously ridiculous climatic concert which degenerates into a crazed bloodbath. The slack (non)direction by Beverly Sebastian, gaudy cinematography, extremely variable acting, a silly story complete with a groan-inducing surprise twist, and tacky gore all further enhance this flick's considerable deliciously cheesy charm. As a yummy plus, foxy brunette Donna Scoggins takes her clothes off twice in order to bare her attractive slender body. A total schlocky hoot.
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