Menendez: Blood Brothers (2017 TV Movie)
How am I one of only the few who thought this was terrible?????
6 July 2017
OK. Please allow me to start of with a bit of a preface. I was very excited to see this. When all of the actual events happened was just a pre-teen. I remember seeing it mentioned on the news and parodied on the sketch comedy shows. For years i actually believed there were two more brothers. I thought the 2 pairs just swapped out whilst in court. I blurred the fiction with the available "reality".

So now that that's out of the way. As an adult i had begun to think about many of the odd things i accepted as truth from television. Of course one of those stories was the Menendez case. I had watched some videos on YouTube. But for the most part i was waiting for the big Netflix documentary. Instead we were handed a Lifetime movie. Not that all lifetime movies are bad. Just that the quality is mostly still lacking. But I was still excited and hopeful for the much anticipated airing of the Menendez Bros. movie. My wife was also anticipatory and anxious. Problem there is we work opposing shifts. anyhoooooo..........

After way too much waiting. My wife and i penciled in a time to sit down light some candles and share in the much awaited & limited commercial interruption.......... The movie starts and immediately i realize the acting talent was hired for looks and not actual ability. i grab an adult coloring book and begin to try to distract myself from the crap on my television. Yet over the course of those 2 hours i kept looking back at the screen. looking back in awe at the total lack of writing and acting talent that went into this so-called movie.

Hell maybe that's whats the producers were shooting for. something so bad people will watch just to see how bad it can be . But then again most of the reviews on here are saying its a 5 star movie. whatever.

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