Dark Minds (2012– )
Hold the cheese, please
8 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I tried to watch this. It's just that terrible.

The host is a self-proclaimed investigative journalist, though he offers no proof in this show that he is anything but a prolific book "writer" whose books are nearly as bad as this show, who is also a hammy, cheesy, narcissist, and apparently has a fragile ego. He feels the need to constantly insult people, places and even towns and cities in order to puff himself up. He's not above putting himself in the forefront of the camera and the show, as if it were all about him.. which this show appears to be. The victims and their families are simply props for his pathetic need for relevancy.

You have an alleged profiler who, if he were a profiler and had the most basic knowledge, would know that any one serial killer would not know how any other serial killer thinks or operates. Its ludicrous! That same profiler and the obnoxiously over dramatic host neither one can tell the difference between a spree killer and a serial killer which is profiling 101. Yes the difference is important.

Add to the mix an actual serial killer, who will know nothing about any killer but himself, and this is a recipe for complete disaster.Compassion for the host wanes quickly when you realize he's using the death of a "relative" over and over and over, and over. It's a horrible thing to have happened, but to preface every single episode with it? Do us a favor, at least shed one fake tear..That whole part of it all makes the audience realize he's going for the sympathy of the viewer for himself, more than anyone else. He does this in every episode.

Simply put, this show offers no proof that anyone on this show is qualified in any way, shape or form, to do anything other than make it the most painful-to- watch, cheesiest, "crime" show ever aired. I found myself reaching for the cholesterol medicine after watching it.
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