Oh dear.
10 July 2017
I'm afraid I couldn't make it more than 20 or so minutes in to this. Even so early in to this 'documentary', there were many issues:

  • The sound design is so awful that it wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn that it was intended to be as grating as possible. It was so jarring at points that I found myself grimacing in faux-agony

  • Much of the 'photographic evidence' has quite clearly been photoshopped. At one point they show a picture of a young girl with large eyes, staring at Stan through the spindles of his deck's banister. Good lord. Even my 80+ year old grandparents could tell it was a fake.

  • People apparently losing their minds over what were very clearly Chinese lanterns / balloons.

  • An allegedly 'mysterious' caller leaving messages for Stan in which Stan is referred to as a "Starseed", regularly reminded of how special and unique he is... this is a manifestation of a very real problem - an individual who is not only completely deluded but also suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder. Sincerely, I feel pity for him and hope that he makes a recovery soon.

Don't get me started on the '''alien''' peering through his window.

Avoid this. It's an absolute travesty, and yet another fine example of some dolt robbing credibility from what is a fairly interesting field worthy of further investigation (UFOs, that is - not little green men).
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