Review of Island City

Island City (2015)
Emotions vs Machines: the best Hindi movie showing robotization of urban modern life
10 July 2017
The movie is best of its type. It shows dominance of machines over human life. How the pleasures of daily life are being ruined and effecting our emotional health, this is beautifully depicted in the movie. Three stories, interconnected in some way to each other, are showing three different impacts of technology on our life.

First movie shows loss of pleasures due to so-called busy professional life and its ethics. Even the fun-time is professionally earned. This movie is a satire of current professional environments. It is one of the rarest surreal movies seen in Hindi cinema.

Second one shows complex and subtle interplay of social responsibilities personal happiness. One of the best of three. It shows one of the themes that I was dying to see on big screen-impact of TV serials on our daily emotions. Personal relationships have lost their charm and artificially constructed scenarios reveal our true emotions.

Third one has a current as well as a futuristic theme. A girl who is not happy with her life, is being forced to marry with a guy who is only occupied with his professional life and shows minimal care for her. She is waiting for a partner who can love her. But she finds herself a victim of technology in the end and has to live a compromised life.

There are several themes being covered in the movie and it requires a detailed analysis for each movie. All three movies are rich in their meanings and messages. They depict poor emotional connections in today's life and how technology and urban environments are impacting our daily pleasures and ultimately happiness.

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