Hahaha NOPE. (Spoilers)
10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(I originally made this post on a social media platform, I just copied and pasted it to here. Regardless, this is my review.)

So I'm watching some movie called "The Last Heist," and I noticed that the majority of the robbers are literally carbon copies (asides from their names) of characters from PayDay 2. You have the leader (Dallas, or in this case Danny.. Or is it Denny? I really don't care either way...), the (no offense) black guy (Chains, no clue what is name is in the movie), the Aussie (Sydney, no clue of this characters name), and I guess the girl version of Wolf (Because the character really likes chaos and destruction, spoiler, some serial killer slits an artery in her leg and she bleeds out and then he literally takes her eyes), The getaway driver does coke, obviously linking him to Jimmy (But his name is Rick in the movie, he gets shot, haven't seen if he dies yet), and then two oddball characters who don't have much of a role. Some old dude and some other guy who kinda looks like Key from Key and Peele (It's not him by the way). It's overall a REALLY bad movie. I mean, it's a heist movie where the robbers take off their masks.. In the bank... Mid heist... Like, 30 minutes into the movie (That's a generous time assumption, btw). I can't find the budget online, but considering there's A: Only one setting, taking place in literally a run down bank with only four civvies, one of them turning out to be some serial killer who takes people's eyes, masks you could buy off of amazon (here's a link to one of the masks used in the movie https://www.amazon.com/OutdoorMaster-Airsoft-Metal-Protection- Captain/dp/B00STAS9HO/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1484525318&sr=8- 9&keywords=payday%2B2%2Bmask&th=1&psc=1 ), an extremely small cast, one ongoing joke of "Oh wow I didn't even know you could text 911", and some of the most lame and slow paced story line elements I have ever seen. B: Only an 84 minute run time, and C: Ripoff Payday 2 characters, it's safe to say that this movie is (to put it lightly) pretty bad. BUT: If you want to laugh at bad acting, masks you could get off of amazon for less than $50, a terrible plot line, and dumb characters getting what they deserve in a horribly cliché story line, then watch this movie. My rating of The Last Heist: 2/10. It had potential in it's hands, got up, and threw it off the top of the Stratosphere.OH I ALMOST FORGOT: Henry Rollins (Yes, the rocker dude turned actor) is the serial killer. You're welcome.
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