The Simpsons: The Cad and the Hat (2017)
Season 28, Episode 15
A Sweet, Strong Bart and Lisa Episode,
10 July 2017
The Cad and the Hat is a great Simpsons episode with a well written plot and plenty of very funny scenes. It is a very sweet episode as we follow Bart struggling with his guilt after letting Lisa down. These two characters relationship has always been one of the shows most vital aspects, and any episode that focuses on it is always a strong one. I love the concept of having Bart's guilt as a character, the dialogue between them was a highlight for me, Patton Oswalt was terrific in the part.

I did feel like the episode could have gone a little further in the conflict between Bart and Lisa. It all focuses around Bart losing her hat, and never stretches beyond that very bland set up. I would like to have seen something a bit more substantial happen as it continued.

The side story in this episode is very strong, I am happy to say that I was equally pleased with both plots. It was great to see Homer shock Springfield with his skillfulness at chess, and we were able to see this story being developed further, going a lot deeper than any other side story has in a long time.

Heartwarming fun. Well worth the watch, The Cad and the Hat is a very pleasing Simpsons.

Bart's guilt gets the better of him when he betrays Lisa. Meanwhile, Springfield is astonished when Homer turns out to be a master chess player.
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