Perry Mason: The Case of the Golfer's Gambit (1966)
Season 9, Episode 18
Teed Off
11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Possible Spoilers .. First, there No pine trees at the Pine Hills Golf Tournament, and the top prize of $2 grand is chintzy, even then, in 1966. Second, Jimmy loses the match because he did a good deed? Chick? Farley wins on a technicality, and NOBODY thinks that's a big deal? Come on !! Anybody think that a guy who'd been kicked off the pro tour would be let back on with that kind of win? Not me, NOPE. Three, Chick is a complete Scurve. I'm talking definable, qualified rat. The last thing he did was fink out someone else. Clearly asking to be offed. Consequently, he made a delightfully deserving, unmissed, cheap, dead guy.

The whole of this case is the timing. In between Chick calling Hamilton, to Danny getting a call, to the cops showing up to find Jimmy walking out of the murder room with his "murder golf club" in his hand, it was 11 minutes. WAY too much time to expect Jimmy to hang around. He's gotta be out of the running. Nancy Kovak is one of the best looking red herrings ever to grace the witness stand; she'll probably never play around on her Huz again. Jimmy's benefactor actually shows up the fact that a good many athletes actually have sponsors who help them get started in their careers.

Even though Perry had provided a very strong alternate theory of the crime, with another perpetrator, and no doubt gotten his client off, WAS there really any proof beyond circumstantial, that the "other guy" did it?, well, you tell me... I also wonder if Jimmy ever "chipped up to the green" with that sand wedge again? Great acting all around; Dennis Patrick made a terrific murder recipient, Plot moved well, Barbara was beautiful, Perry's client reminded me of Maynard G. Krebs.
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