where's the drama
12 July 2017
It's 1989 Texas. Don Piper (Hayden Christensen) is a young Baptist preacher with wife Eva (Kate Bosworth) and three kids. His car is crushed by an on-coming truck. Paramedics can't find a pulse. A passing pastor climbs in to pray over him. He revives and is rescued. He is severely injured and suffers a tough recovery. The limited government compensation is taken by the health insurance. He suffers depression. He eventually reveals that during the ninety minutes of presumed death, he had reached heaven.

This two hour movie has no reason to be more than ninety minutes whether in heaven or not. The plot has no drama. His depressed character is tiresome. There is nothing compelling. I hoped for some heavenly visions but they are short and lackluster. The spread of his story and his fans are infinitely more compelling than this movie.
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