Review of The Hero

The Hero (I) (2017)
Sam Elliot and Laura Prepon are splendid but the movie is dull as dirt
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers

While the performances were as strong as they seemed in the trailer, the overall film was not what I was expecting. Sam Elliot was very good as an aging Western film star facing his mortality and the results of his "lifetime of achievement." The surprise stand out was Laura Prepon. She added zest and a spark to what was a very dreary and often pointless story. Playing an out of the box and far younger love interest added a much needed and fascinating element.

This movie feels long and plods in a poorly paced manner. Given the performances, you could forgive the dullness had more scenes been profound and moving. Instead, we experience a LOT of wear and tear and a LOT of emotional numbness. The overall story arc really never concludes and much like real life there aren't easy answers. The third act simply ends on a profound poem about life.
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