Obviously a scam
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like watching documentaries about aliens, because a part of me truly wants aliens to be real, visitations to be real, and even abductions to be real, as scary as they sound. But this "documentary" is so obviously a self-indulgent, amateurish scam that I'm scratching my head over Netflix presenting it as a serious documentary. Most of this movie features Stan Romanek talking and talking and talking about himself. A lot more of it consists of his family and friends also talking, about him, of course. Romanek presents himself as someone who's basically being stalked by aliens who view him as a threat, other aliens who see him as the savior of the world, and shadowy human agents out to prevent by him by any means necessary from revealing the truth to the world. He vociferously denies believing in aliens until all is revealed to him. This epiphany as artificial as everything else in this sideshow. Of course, this "documentary" has the obligatory home videos. The "aliens" peeking into his window are clearly fake. They look like puppets or masks worn by some colluding human. He also receives multiple telephone calls featuring an artificial-sounding "British" woman that reminded me of one of those YouTube videos with the computerized voice overs instead of an actual narrator. The recorded calls of his supposed alien hybrid children were pure camp. The unmitigated conceit of having these voices call him "Starseed" is so ludicrous, it's more contemptuous than amusing. He isn't a good actor, so his videos of himself catching an alien peeping tom are so badly acted, they're not even funny in a "so bad, it's good" kind of way. I had such a negative reaction to this sad little show that I went to my computer and Googled "Stan Romanek scam." Imagine my surprise when a screen chock full of stories about his pending child pornography charges and then imagine my complete lack of surprise about his claim that nefarious forces planted it all on his computers to keep the truth from coming out. Yeah, right. Netflix, get this POS off your network. It's an embarrassment.
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