IGH — An Excellent Review of the Argument for Creationism, Global Flood and Intelligent Design
14 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I get the impression that all the negative reviews came from those were expecting to find a documentary that asked the question, "Is Genesis History?", but proceeded to disparage Genesis rather than substantiate the argument that our universe, world and biology is too vastly complicated and irreducibly complex to be the result of random variation and that the fossil record is evidence of a global catastrophe and biological stasis opposed to biological change.

I feel that this work has excellent production value and does well to address several arguments of those who adhere to the creationist view of Earth History and the like. In terms of content, I would rate it as a conversation starter; it clearly was not meant to address all of the scientific arguments for Creationism or the scientific arguments against Evolutionism. Luckily, there are plenty of available resources for that. See "Earthquakes" by Kevin Lea or "In The Beginning" by Walter Brown.

Other reviewers have claimed that this documentary is biased because it did not include the opinion of ardent evolutionists, but when was the last time atheistic or anti-creationist documentaries hosted creationists or even considered the challenges posed by anyone who questioned the standard model of evolution? When was the last time Jason Lisle appeared in a documentary hosted by Brian Greene? "Is Genesis History" is being given poor reviews for doing what evolutionists do, unabashedly presenting their views or interpretation of the evidence.

Specialization is the product of genetic variability. a Sea Urchin is distinct from a Starfish because of genetic differentiation. There is a distinct difference in the information and information processing coded in that organism's genome and thus results in a distinct difference in the genetic expression of that organism. Biological Evolution Theory purports that organisms are different solely because of variance opposed to differentiation. To clarify, Jacob G., "they recognize the difference between a Sea Urchin and a Starfish" is just a few genetic *differences* not *changes*.

Biological Evolution should permit quasi-random variances in any direction. This means that if one's body determines that human adaptations are no longer functional then one's body can recode its genome so its next iteration (your child) is expressed as a primate using reverse punctuated equilibrium. I wonder how many evolutionists would praise the wonders of evolution if their wives gave birth to hairless primates complete with prehensile tail and feet!

Science and Scientific Methodology was founded by creationists, is advocated in Job 28:20-28, and I'm glad to see more relevant works such as this, especially since Evolutionism is nothing more than a hindrance to true, scientific progress as it adds no value to science, makes no qualifiable predictions and produces no technological achievements.
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