The ending n lack of character development ruined an otherwise decent thriller.
15 July 2017
Three things made me c this film, the trailer, Michael rooker n the director of Wolf creek. The directors's last film starring Kevin Bacon, The Darkness was awful though. 1st- What they showed in the trailer was indeed satisfying when i saw the film. People are killed off with a bullet to the head, skulls n brains exploding, getting mangled in an elevator shaft, burning alive, stabbings, brutal smashing of face with axe. 2nd- Michael Rooker's role was very short. Got disappointed. 3rd- Knowin that its from the director of Wolf creek, i had hopes that the ending will b good but alas the whole film got ruined coz of the bad ending. Also the characters were not developed well. Audiences may not care who lives or dies. Two good things about this film, one- the order of the deaths were not predictable n it wasn't easy to guess who will survive. Ther is also one very brutal n innovative death showing a dent in the skull. Of course one may find shades of Battle Royale, The Hunger Games, Steve Austin's The Condemned, Stanford prison exp, Saw, etc. The scene wher they r made to filter out who to kill n who to spare was frightening n reminded me of the scene from Exorcist The Beginning wher the priest is made to choose whom to kill.
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