Churchill (2017)
A car crash
16 July 2017
Wow. What a waste of an opportunity to make a brilliant film. To summarise it in 5 words: BORING, INACCURATE, EMPTY, UNINSPIRING AND REPETITIVE.

What really makes me angry about this film is the thought of the thousands of people who know very little about Churchill who watched this to gain more insight into him. What they'll come away with is the sense that Churchill was a bumbling alcoholic, did nothing during WW2 and was a senile, absent leader. Of course, no such thing is true.

Shame on the writers of this abomination for taking 'artistic license' and redrawing history.

The very low budget shows, too. With a bizarre lack of any battle scenes despite the entire film being centred around one of the largest battles in military history. The film is also littered with needless time-wasting shots of Churchill getting into cars, getting out of cars, then back into cars and so on.

Cox's performance is good, but his accent irritatingly varies widely, particularly in shouty scenes, which ruins any sense of genuine character. This is the first film where I've sat in the theatre and honestly wished it would end sooner. For that reason, this is one of the most disappointing films I have ever sat through. AVOID AVOID AVOID.
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