Funny Thing About the Positive Reviewers
16 July 2017
Okay, the movie is terrible. That's a fact. Lets just let that fact sit there festering on the floor.

But this is weird..as mentioned by another reviewer, here's an interesting thing to do. Go look at the first reviews, the ones that rate this smoldering turd of a "movie" the same way I rated oh, say..the Godfather. Click on their names, and you'll see the other movies they've reviewed. It's so funny, all the people who gave this movie great reviews all reviewed the SAME MOVIES and reviewed them all the SAME WAY. It's uncannily eerie. I wonder if they all live in the same community a la the Stepford Wives, or even worse, if the pod people from Invasion of the Body Snatchers have landed. Yes, the pod people are here, and their mission is to get us all to publicly praise terrible movies on IMDb so we can be shamed by our friends and family.
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