One of the better CGI Thomas specials
16 July 2017
Having watched most of the CGI specials, I think this one has one of the best stories. It's one of the few specials that feels like a movie and not just a really long version of a normal Thomas story. There's plenty of action, the narrow-gauge engines play a major part in the story, and it really gave me a new appreciation for certain existing characters.

Like most of the CGI specials, there are a few errors in the animation, some more noticeable than others. (Example: in one brief shot, an engine is moving but his wheels clearly aren't.) This seems to be an inescapable curse of CGI Thomas - I guess someone just didn't pay attention at the animation studio, or they cut a few corners hoping nobody would notice. It doesn't detract from the experience too much, but it's ripe fodder for those who like to nitpick.

The one thing I have never liked much about Thomas specials is the songs. They are always very corny and add nothing to the story, and they all sound almost exactly alike. But then, this is a show for kids, so it's not like you can expect musical masterpieces out of it. I just wish they'd leave the songs out altogether - it would make the specials a lot more enjoyable for those of us who aren't kids anymore (I'm 20 years old) but still enjoy Thomas. For the record, I also vastly prefer the original Thomas TV theme over the newer one with lyrics.
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