Perry Mason: The Case of the Avenging Angel (1966)
Season 9, Episode 22
Tin Ear
17 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** I've griped about the so-called "Rock" music played by American Bandstand rejects, or actors who would have been thrown off the stage in any air-guitar competition. This is a new low. They don't even try to cover up the fact that this kid just can't sing. And, everybody, except the sleezy, scurvebomb, "Agent" doesn't know it. Until the very, very, end when Clay says "Nice kid - heart of gold; tin ear".

The other reviewers have vaguely alluded to this, but I'm gonna suggest the possibility that the producers wanted the show to end, and so, why not forget about the quality we've had all these years, and maybe people will be less likely to complain when it's gone. Maybe? Nobody was gonna complain when this decedent got his Karma corrected. He's probably a skunk in his next life, you know? Also. the delectable Sue Ann Langdon was covered up in court with a full length coat and a ridiculous (somebody else is gonna have to describe what they had her wearing on her head) something covering up what was probably a very nice hairdo. THAT says something is wrong in wardrobe.

The killer was no surprise, Sandy forgetting what she did for him was. The song "Surfin' Moon" was out of time (Surfing music was on the back burner by this time), and out of talent. When I think of the incredible array of Surf music bands that were absolute top quality musicians, and the lyrics of say, Jan and Dean, and of course The Beach Boys, this must have made them throw up.

No real presence for cars in this one, except Perry getting his usual "right in front of the L.A. Courthouse" parking spot for a Ford Galaxie. Della is beautiful, as always, but sparingly used. Paul does a good bit of work, but a little late in this episode's timeline. A real letdown was the quick feud between the wife of the backer (Patricia Owens) , and Sue Ann (Publicity). It would have been great to have a good old fashioned catfight right there in the courtroom; there wasn't much else happening, until Perry got the killer, that is. Okay acting.......
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