Very Generous 3 of 10 stars Monster creature in woods flick.
20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie because it came in a 7 movie Leprechaun Set from WalMart for about $10. I saw a youtube video where all the films were ranked and this ranked as the worst one. I AGREE. What I liked about the other Leprechauns is the fun vibe and Warwick Davis giving the Leprechaun personality. In this film the "Leprechaun" is a growling creature. A monster creature, nothing leprechaun about it. WWE Studios keeps assuring me that their films are garbage.

Does NOT belong in the series. It was terrible. Why do they try to my the wrestler "Hornswoggle" come across as the star , when they treat the creature as something that you only see in the shadows and with a shaky cam. Or the view see his predator like night vision. Even has a "Predator" rip off spine pull out kill. The creators were confused and this sucked!
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