Saving Grace (1986)
A nice humble story with a wonderful performance by Tom Conti
21 July 2017
This was a nice surprise. Who would have thought that Tom Conti would be so brilliant? And he is truly magnificent in this movie. "Saving Grace" is the story of a newly elected Pope who feels overwhelmed by his position. He decides to dress like a normal working class man and wanders to a village where he begins to help people with simple acts of kindness. By dropping the big status he has, we the audience realize that he is a normal man like us. I thought that idea was great because it shows you that you don't always need a giant miracle to feel happiness. A small friendly gesture goes a long way. It's not so much about religion because the Pope doesn't force anyone to believe in anything. All he wants is for people to live life in a good way. But he listens with great interest to those who think differently and respects their opinions. We spend a lot of time with him while he shares and inspires the folks in the old village.

I have a soft spot for classic Italian landscapes. I can stare into those hills and mountains for hours. There's something about it that gives me this humble nostalgic feeling. The only problems I have with the movie is that it took some time find it's footing. Meaning that the beginning is a little slow. And that it ends with you wishing for something more. The best word I can use to describe the experience is "kind". To me it feels like anyone can learn something from it or in the very least feel a little uplifted for a few hours. There's a wonderful scene where the main character says; "It's impossible for some to realize that the Pope can be anything. He can even be a tramp who comes to a deserted village to help some neglected people." That whole scene is handled beautifully and it perfectly summarizes what the movie is about.

Don't expect too much from it. It's not one of those films that will have you super invested. It's basically a harmless calm watch. I enjoyed it, but it will not leave you stunned or anything. So it's perfect to watch during a leaned-back weekend. Give it a chance if you can!
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