You can't change who you are
22 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Emilia (Amanda Todisco) and her boyfriend (Jeremy Sless) are somehow taken captive by Sean (Russell Bradley Fenton) in the dry arid desert between Montana and California. We don't know anything about anyone at this moment other than a meaningless conversation about the afterlife in the beginning. What do you think after happens we die? I don't know what do you think happens after we die? etc. We discover right off boyfriend Michael is dead, killed by a guy who enjoys killing, believing it is a sign from God, so he metes out penance in the form of death and buries people in the desert. We find out Emilia had an abusive, overly protective father (Andrew Novell) during the flashback sequence which never develops Sean. The plot has incredible gaps. I am not sure if Christopher James Lang even knows what defines a story as he was so eager to get to the "rage gift" thinking himself clever, he forgot to develop a coherent tale.

Disclaimer: I am not connected to this film.

Guide: F-word. Near Sex. No nudity. Some blood.
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