Agent Carter: Valediction (2015)
Season 1, Episode 8
America is the land of opportunity
25 July 2017
The finale is here and it wrapped up the season well but I do still have my complaints about it. Good things first.

Everyone's performance was great. Atwell, well I don't think she had a bad performance yet and she is still great in her performance from her action to her emotional scenes. Jarvis is great too as he had to choose between loyalty to his friend and employer and the good he had to do for the city. Dottie was great again as she still seemed sweet and yet savage. Thompson was also very good and he showed his leadership skills in the SSR and when he was congratulated over Carter at the end I can understand why he didn't give it to Carter as he knew that the time they live in wouldn't accept it so he did. Sousa was also great as the nice guy who anyone would want in their corner. And Stark made another appearance and he still is his womanizing, egotistical self yet still knows that what he does will haunt him. Another great part of this episode is how both Stark and, especially, Carter had to let go of Captain America. While both were powerful, Carter was even more so because she threw away the last bit of him she had, his blood. Also, because of this she basically invented the Hulk and other superheroes who tried to replicate the super serum so that is interesting. Ivchenko's (or Fenhoff's) story to Stark about how he saw people kill each other and even came upon his brother, brutally killed was well acted but in the end he was kind of disappointing.

Which brings me to my biggest complaint of the finale. We got the warning in the second last episode that Leviathan is coming. While their plan to release a gas upon the city that will cause mass hysteria and homocide, Leviathan was underwhelming as it was just Dottie and Fenhoff in the end.

Also, in the end, with Fenhoff in prison, his cellmate is Arnim Zola, which I don't think is a coincidence. However, it is a great nod as to how Zola continues HYDRA's work.

+ Entire cast performances + Stark surprise + Zola + Farewell, Captain - Leviathan wasn't monstrously huge

Final Score: 8.8/10
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