Beverly minutiae and self aware machines
29 July 2017
This episode's focus is placed on the philosophical dilemmas surrounding the nature and relative value of life, but it is the insights into Dr. Beverly Crusher that really catch my attention:

1) She doesn't trust men with beards 2) She doesn't like her hair brunette 3) She is training with Worf to master the Bat'leth 4) She believes that the struggle to answer questions about the nature of life are what help us define our place in the universe. 5) She does not believe that her tricorder is alive.

The particle fountain is something of a death trap as every scene on board the station involves a malfunction of one kind or another. Exo-comps are easier to configure for explosions than photon torpedoes. Data values the exo-comps lives over that of his captain and best friend but is willing to sacrifice himself, Picard is cool with it. Exo-comps can be transported to the particle fountain but humans cannot be transported away. I am sure that last plot point is adequately hand waived away as something other than plot necessity.

Episodes like this are among my favorites as it is a character driven stories that is ultimately about ideas.
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