Black Killer (1971)
So-so Spaghetti Western with a mysterious gunman confronting vicious brothers in the town of Tombstone
31 July 2017
This exciting S.W. is plenty of zooms , shootouts , double-crosses , thrills , twists and loads of violence and blood . It is an entertaining Pasta western with lots of action , gun-play and fun . The town of Tombstone is at the mercy of the five feared O'Hara brothers : Ramon (Antonio Cantafora or Michael Coby) , Pedro ,Miguel , Ryan & Slide (played by unknown actors) who torture and kill several sheriffs . An expert gunslinger , Burt Collins (Fred Robsham) arrives in Tombstone , when his brother is murdered , Burt is immediately persuaded to take on the duties of sheriff and he then accepts , but he is really seeking vengeance . There takes place a massacre and Burt escapes with the nasty brothers hot on their tail . The tough and rare gunslinger Burt becomes an efficient Pistolero , acting as judge , jury , and executioner . Meantime , the cunning Judge Wilson (Dante Maggio as Dan May) is assisted by a strange lawyer , James Webb (Klaus Kinski), watching mostly in the background and who always carries two large law books with him . Burt helped by the beautiful Indian Sarah Collins (Marina Malfatti) chases the malicious killers and the ending settle disputes by shooting .

This Italian production is a moving S.W. movie starred by Fred Robsham , Klaus Kinski and Marina Malfatti . The film deals with a mysterious stranger , become a new sheriff , who vows to clean up the town of dreaded outlaws ; and it takes on a strange gunslinger against treacherous gang : the O'Hara brothers . This Spaghetti movie gets the usual Western issues , such as greedy antiheroes , violent facing off , quick zooms , and exaggerated baddies . It is an acceptable , passable Western with several titles as ¨Matador Nego¨ or ¨Pistoleiro Negro¨ , or ¨Assassino Negro¨ or ¨Black Killer¨ that contains an interesting and violent plot about a sheriff seeking vendetta . It packs crosses and double crosses , thrills , shoot'em up , violence , and results to be quite entertaining , though drags at times , balancing in ups and downs . There is plenty of action in the movie , guaranteeing some pursuits , crossfire or stunts every few minutes . It's a thrilling western with breathtaking confrontation between the protagonist against the heartless enemies formed by a brutal gang of Mexican brothers led by Antonio Cantafora . The main starring is the unknown Fred Robsahm and the popular Klaus Kinski who appears elegantly dressed and with a brilliant look , gaining a reputation for his ferocious talent and equally ferocious temper ; Kinski plays as a strange lawyer who occasionally joins in on the action with his deadly law books . Here he plays with lots of gesticulation and excessive gestures . As he is fine , as he ravages the screen with his peculiar face and using suddenly his hidden weapons . This Spaghetti is made during his Italian period when Klaus starred a lot of Westerns , later he collaborated with Werner Herzog with whom played several prestigious films . They later collaborated on five movies : Aguirre (1972), Woyzeck (1979), Nosferatu, (1979), Fitzcarraldo (1982) and Cobra Verde (1987). As Kinski starred numerous Spaghetti such as : Pray to Kill and Return Alive , Black Killer , If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death , Bullet King , Shangai Joe , Clint the solitary , The Ruthless Four , Nevada Kid , The return of Clint , and specially famous resulted to be his acting in ¨For a fistful of dollars more¨ . There is a very odd implementation of shots in the camera work during some particular scenes as well as a lot of twists and turns , as the film approaches its climax , as in the final and the customary conclusion . Atmospheric Eastmancolor cinematography by Franco Villa in WideScreen , though being necessary a good remastering and filmed in De Paolis/INCIR Studios , Italy Elios studios Rome , as usual , and El Lacio . Enjoyable and thrilling musical score by Daniele Patucchi , including catching leitmotif .

The motion picture was middlingly directed by Carlo Croccolo , under pseudonym Lucky Moore , and it was filmed in parallel with another spaghetti western , "Gunman of One Hundred Crosses" , which also was directed and also starred by Marina Malfatti along with Tony Kendall , Jessica Dublín , Mimmo Palmara , Ray Saunders . Carlo Croccolo is usually a secondary actor and occasionally filmmaker , as he has played several films as ¨After the Fox" , ¨In Love and War¨, ¨Three man and a leg¨, ¨Yesterday , Today and tomorrow¨, ¨El Avaro¨, Via Lattea La Prima a Destra , ¨Il Professor¨ , ¨O Re¨, ¨Perdono¨, ¨The Biggest Bundle of Them All" , among others .
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