Look at a coin, then look a away
31 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Santa Claus: A Horror Story" and "Santa Claus: Serial Rapist" are the same film. The Horror Story includes a bonus film, "The Druid Zombie." Bill BeZebub fills the film with his atheistic views of religion, his views of politics, and philosophy. Where you are on the belief and education scale will determine how much you enjoy listening to a film filled with monologues, interrupted by Bill in a bad Santa suit raping almost young girls.

The rapes themselves are metaphors. Santa represents St. Nicklaus and the Roman Catholic church in general as their rules have serially raped religion throughout the ages. This is explained far too often in the film. A lot of conjecture is spouted as fact, not that it is bad conjecture, it is just an educated guess exactly where the church got its ideas. Acting wasn't that good. Bill needs to stay off camera.

The film also consists of a lot of amateurish self promotion with background posters from previous films and a web address.

Guide; F-word, rape, FF nudity and a self vagina mutilation scene Bill felt he had to explain in length.
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